Server-side tests

To include server-side tests in verify mode, Lightning requires 3 sources of input data: XML config file, JMeter and PerfMon CSV output files. XML file contains definition of tests, which will be executed to determine if execution should be marked as passed or failed, based on analysis of CSV files. If you want to run server-side tests, you should also have at least one test analysing client-side metrics (e.g. average response times). This way you not only monitor server load, but also make sure the client gets what expected.

To run server-side tests, you need to configure your JMeter test to collect server-side statistics using PerfMon Server Agent and JMeter PerfMon Metrics Collector.

Lightning XML config file, e.g.:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8">
        <testName>Test #1</testName>
        <description>Verify average login times</description>
        <testName>Test #2</testName>

        <description>Verify server-side resource utilisation</description>

        <hostAndMetric> CPU</hostAndMetric>

JMeter CSV output file, e.g.:

1434291247743,3514,Login,200,Thread Group 1-2,,true,444013,0
1434291247541,3780,Login,200,Thread Group 1-1,,true,444236,0
1434291247949,3474,Login,200,Thread Group 1-3,,true,444041,0
1434291248160,3448,Login,200,Thread Group 1-4,,true,444712,0
1434291248359,3700,Login,200,Thread Group 1-5,,true,444054,0
1434291251330,10769,Search,200,Thread Group 1-1,,true,1912363,0
1434291251624,10626,Search,200,Thread Group 1-4,,true,1912352,0
1434291251436,11086,Search,200,Thread Group 1-3,,true,1912321,0
1434291251272,11250,Search,200,Thread Group 1-2,,true,1912264,0
1434291252072,11221,Search,200,Thread Group 1-5,,true,1912175,0

PerfMon CSV output file, e.g.:

1434291247949,9128, CPU,,,,,true,0,0,0,0
1434291251436,21250, CPU,,,,,true,0,0,0,0

To run Lightning standalone JAR:

java -jar lightning-<version>.jar verify \
        --xml=path/to/xml/file \
        --jmeter-csv=path/to/jmeter/csv/file \

To configure JMeter Lightning Maven Plugin:


To configure Lightning Gradle Plugin:

lightningSettings {
    testSetXml = new File('path/to/lightning/xml/file')
    jmeterCsv = new File('path/to/jmeter/csv/file')
    perfmonCsv = new File('path/to/perfmon/csv/file')

Sample output:

Test name:            Test #1
Test type:            avgRespTimeTest
Test description:     Verify average login times
Transaction name:     Login
Expected result:      Average response time <= 4000
Actual result:        Average response time = 3583.2
Transaction count:    5
Test result:          Pass

Test name:            Test #2
Test type:            serverSideTest
Test description:     Verify server-side resource utilisation
Host and metric: CPU
Expected result:      Average value < 60000
Actual result:        Average value = 15189.0
Entries count:        2
Test result:          Pass

Find out more about the available options here.